Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv
Haus Konstruktiv


Haus Konstruktiv

Quantum of Disorder

The group exhibition «Quantum of Disorder» presents artworks created by new technologies. They comment on the interplay between order and disorder; system and deviation.

The catalogue accompanying the exhibition reflects this theme: it is designed to be read in two different languages, from two different directions – one in German, the other in English. The German version’s front cover is the English version’s back cover and vice versa. On a centre spread the two languages meet each other, one upside-down from the other. The images are set at a 90 degree angle to the spine so that the reader must actively engage in turning the catalogue in order to make sense of this 'disorder'.

Year: 2015
Format: thread-sewn soft cover, 24 × 33 cm, 70 pages
Editors: Sabine Schaschl (Haus Konstruktiv), Iréne Hedinger (artists-in-labs program ICS/ZHdK)
Publisher: Christoph Merian Verlag
In collaboration with: Bonbon